Thursday, January 31, 2019

A New Day?

Long long ago, in the times of yore, there was a sage.

The said sage was a very wise, far-sighted and intelligent man (as he ought to be, considering that he was a sage).

Over time, his fame grew, and grew, and grew some more. He started writing on Blogger, and on Opera, and so on and so forth... till he stopped.

The moot question is, why did he stop? Or is the moot question, the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything in it?

You be the judge of the question, because the answer is 42.

ha ha ha.... Welcome back to the madness of method, the irrationality of reason and the life of the Sage... At least till it continues...

PS: All of the above is completely a work of fiction and any resemblance whatsoever, to any person, place or events is merely a coincidence.... Unless it is not...